Troubleshooting installation issues :

NB: In this page, you should find some ways to fix issues by yourself.
If you don’t, please report your issue by following the instructions of the bug report instructions page.

  • Unzipping issues

A frequent issue is to unzip the downloaded plugin archive in a way the folder hierarchy is lost. (Cinema4D, Maya, Houdini) 
You NEED to maintain the folder hierarchy that exists in the zip archive while unzipping !

  • Download + unzip issues on macOS for QR for Blender

The installation process of QR for Blender requires to download a zip file.
Safari may automatically unzip the zip just after having downloaded it. In this case, you would get a folder instead of a zip file, and the installation process will not work. You absolutly need to download a zip for Blender.

The solution is to disable the automatical unzipping in Safari:
Open Safari Preferences, and under the General tab, uncheck the option Open “safe” files after downloading.

  • QuadRemesher for MODO installation issues

When you drag and drop the lpk, modo performs the installation of the plugin.
It may return an error message if
– It can’t find the target ‘Kit’ folder
– or, it has no right to write in the Kit folder.
In this case, the workaround is to install it manually:
– Rename the .lpk as .zip
– Extract the ‘QuadRemesher’ folder inside the zip
– Open modo, click on ‘Open Content Folder’
(or ‘Open User folder’, this location will work as well)
– In the Explorer/Finder, enter in the ‘Kit’ folder.
Copy the “QuadRemesher” folder extracted from the zip into the ‘Kit’ folder
Close and restart modo .

  • QuadRemesher for MAYA installation issues

In the ‘quick start‘ video, we want to install in “C:\Users\All Users\ Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\”.
1 – NB: on windows, “C:\Users\All Users\” is exactly the same folder than “C:\ProgramData\”.
So you can install in “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins”, this will be strictly equivalent.
2 – On macOS : The “QuadRemesher” folder extracted from the zip must be copied in:
3 – The “C:\Users\All Users\ Autodesk\” folder should already exist if Maya is installed. (/Users/Shared/Autodesk/ on macOS).
BUT, the folder “ApplicationPlugins” may not already exist ! (“ApplicationAddins” on macOS)
In this case, CREATE it manually! (take care of typo !)

  • QuadRemesher for BLENDER installation issues

What you get after downloading the addon is a bridge between Blender and the Remeshing-Engine (the algorithm).
The zip doesn’t contain the Remeshing-Engine.
So the first time you click on « Remesh It » (or « License Manager ») button, the addon will automatically download and install the Remeshing-Engine.
It will install it in: 
. Windows : C:\ProgramData\Exoside\QuadRemesher\Datas_Blender\QuadRemesherEngine_1.3
. macOS: /Users/Shared/Exoside/QuadRemesher/Datas_Blender/QuadRemesherEngine_1.3
Linux: ~/.local/share/Exoside/QuadRemesher/Datas_Blender/QuadRemesherEngine_1.3
(you may have replace « 1.3 » in the paths above by the appropriate version.)

If the addon doesn’t work as expected the 1st time, check if this folder has been created.
If, for some reasons, the addon can’t download the engine automatically, you will have to do it manually.
You can download it here :

And extract it in the appropriate folder (described few lines above).
ex: On Windows, the following path must be valid:

  • clicking on License Manager Button does nothing :

The possible problems are:
– you need to install the engine manually (see just above)
– Microsoft Visual Studio Redistribuable package are missing (see below)

Troubleshooting running issues :

  • General issues:

    On Windows:

You can get this kind of error: “The program can’t start because MSVCR140.dll is missing…” (or MSVCR150)
In this case, you will need to download and install Microsoft’s Redistibuable Packages for Visual Studio 2017.
You can find it here :
(or google : “Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package (x64)”)

You can get this kind of error: “The program can’t start because MSVCR120.dll is missing…
In this case, you will need to download and install Microsoft’s Redistibuable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.
You can find it here :
(or google : “Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x64)”)

If you get: “The program can’t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing…
In this case, you will need to download and install Microsoft’s Redistibuable Packages for Visual Studio 2008.
You can find it here:
(or google : “Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64)”)

If, clicking on « License Manager » button in the plugin does nothing:
– open this folder : C:\ProgramData\Exoside\QuadRemesher\Datas_Blender (or another Host app)
– double click on xrLicenseManager.exe, if the problem described above appears, apply the proposed solution.

    On macOS:
(no known issues)

    On LINUX: known issues

On some distribution the license Manager has some issues:
– After activation, you may not get the success message but the computer should be activated successfully.
– clicking on « Deactivate » (if you want to deactivate your linux), may not work on some distribution (CentOS)
The workaround is to delete manually the activation file : XRemesher…_V1.lac
located in $HOME/.local/share/Exoside/Licenses/
This will be fixed ASAP….

  • File permission issues

QR is using some files and folders that are shared by all users of your OS.
If your encounter issues while using QR and if multiple users are using QR on your computer, please give Read and Write permission to ALL users on these folders and all included files:
. On Windows: C:\ProgramData\Exoside\
macOS: /Users/Shared/Exoside
Linux: ~/.local/share/Exoside/

  • Antivirus issues

QuadRemesher plugins needs to launch an executable which performs the remeshing. (« xremesh.exe » on windows, « xremesh » on macOS)
Some antivirus may block the execution of ‘xremesh.exe’ (Norton, for example). In this case you will get no result after clicking on « Remesh it! ».
The solution is to add an exception for the ‘xremesh.exe’ in your antivirus.

  • Graphic UI issues: (4K screens…)

QuadRemesher License Manager is compatible with 4K screens. But sometimes you can get corrupted UI (mainly when switching from 4K to 1K screens). In this case, the best to « reset » QuadRemesher (see below) and then, re-open the License Manager.

  • How to fully RESET QuadRemesher installation

For some reasons, you may want to reset QuadRemesher (it was working before, but not anymore…)
You can do this by opening the Explorer/Finder in the following folders and remove every folders and files which are inside:
on windows:

on macOSX:
  ~/Library/Application Support/Exoside/QuadRemesher/


on Linux:

  • BLENDER issues:

QuadRemesher bridge for Blender relies on FBX import/export addon. So the FBX addon must be enabled (and installed…). If not, you will get an error when trying to remesh.

On macOS, after an update to macOS Ventura, you may get this error : « xrLicenseManager is damaged and can’t be opened… ». In order to fix this:
. remove the engine (QuadRemesherEngine_1.2) in /Users/Shared/Exoside/QuadRemesher/Datas_Blender/
Install and use the latest version of the the addon (you will need at least 1.2.3)

  • Cinema4D issues:

QuadRemesher plugin for C4D, needs to use the FBX importer/exporter of C4D. For this reason it can’t be used with Cinema4D Demo version because FBX import/export is disabled.

  • Houdini issues:

There is one difference between the version included in SideFX Lab and the version available on this website:
SideFX Lab’s version does not contain the « remeshing engine » (the remeshing algorithm). As a consequence it will download and install this engine the first time you create a QuadRemesher SOP and cook it (or when you click on License Manager button).

If you get some issue for downloading the engine (SideFX Lab version), you can do it manually:

You can download it here :

and install it in:
. Windows : C:\ProgramData\Exoside\QuadRemesher\Datas_Houdini\QuadRemesherEngine_1.2
(after unzip and copy this path must be valid:
. macOS: /Users/Shared/Exoside/QuadRemesher/Datas_Houdini/QuadRemesherEngine_1.2
Linux: ~/.local/share/Exoside/QuadRemesher/Datas_Houdini/QuadRemesherEngine_1.2

Another solution is to download and install the QR from this website!
Actually it’s the easiest and safest solution.

If you get an error about « ssl expired certificate », this is probably due to a to old version of the SideFX Lab. Please update your SideFX Lab or download and install the QR from this website!

For QR for Houdini on Linux, you may have to disable the version included in SideFX labs.

  • Turkey:

For some unknown reasons, my website and server is not accessible from Turkey, the solution is to use a VPN for downloading and for the activation. For the activation, please use the ‘Web browser offline activation method’ (tuto) with the VPN activated.