License types and pricing
You can purchase different types of licenses for Quad Remesher: (see license agreement for more complete informations)
- Perpetual Pro license: $ 109.90. (VAT excluded)
This is a perpetual license, usable for commercial purpose. - Perpetual Indie non-commercial license: $ 59.90 . (VAT excluded)
This is a perpetual license, NOT usable for commercial purpose. - Subscription license: $ 15.99 for 3 months. (VAT excluded)
This is a subscription license, usable for commercial purpose.
All upgrades are free of charges during the subscription period. (see more below…)
You can buy a license:
- « For a single software ».
For instance « Quad Remesher For Maya » : this license allows to use QuadRemesher for Maya but not for other softwares (Blender, 3dsMax….). - « For ALL softwares » :
Perpetual Pro: $ 139.90 or as Subscription : $22.99 for 3 months (VAT excluded)
This extra license type allows to use Quad Remesher on multiple softwares on the same machine. (QuadRemesher for Nomad sculpt is not included)
NB: CAD softwares:
The license for QR for CAD softwares (Fusion 360), which deals with NURBS and BREPS, is more expensive:
Pro:$199.90 Indie: $129.90 Subscription: $29.90 for 3 months.
And, by default, the license « For All softwares (excl. CAD) » excludes CAD softwares (Fusion 360), there is a « For All Softwares (Including CAD) » which is more expensive as well: Pro: $239.90 Indie: $159.90 Subscription: $39.90 for 3 months.
Purchase a license (or renew a subscription)
To buy a license of Quad Remesher, please choose the target software and license type below.
You will be redirected to our official reseller (Verifone, previously named 2checkout). NB: You must agree with the EULA if you want to buy and use QuadRemesher.
Upgrade a license
If you want to upgrade your license (from « Indie » to « PRO », or « for single Software » to « for ALL softwares »),
please visit this page : Upgrade page
Important Notes:
Just after the purchase process (in Verifone web store), you will receive emails containing the download link and your license keys. (This can take from few minutes to a maximum of 1 hour.)
So, it’s important to:
– Fill a valid email on Verifone’s web store.
– Keep your License Keys (for future re-installation…)
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About Subscriptions management: (cancel, renew, switching Auto/Manual renewal)
If you buy a ‘Subscription’ license, by default, you will have to renew your subscription every 3 months manually.
If you want Automatic renewal, check the « Enable auto-renewal for this order » in the 2nd page of Verifone web store.
You can manage your existing subscriptions HERE
. (About Managing your Subscriptions)
License Keys retrieval:
If you have lost your license keys (from previous purchase):
Visit this page: MyLicenses page.
Enter your email (the email used during purchase and activation process), click on « Submit ».
You will automatically receive an email with all your license keys.
Note for Resellers:
If you are a reseller: everything is explained here :