Quad Remesher Beta-testing

Testing licenses access: https://exoside.com/mylicenses/

Beta-testing goals (C4D, Houdini)… 

Right now, I need more feedback about « integration of the algorithm » in C4D/Houdini rather than about « the algorithm » itself.
The algorithm itself will not be updated before the release of the plugin for C4D/Houdini because it needs long term dev.
That said, feedback about the algorithm itself is usefull and welcome for mid-term dev..

« integration of the algorithm » means:
– does it installs well, runs well, is complient with C4D/Houdini usage…
– do you receive python errors/exceptions, does it freeze or crash C4D/Houdini?

I have not made any tuto, doc about QuadRemesher for C4D/Houdini, but it should be easily understandable. You can find some quick start tuto on my web site about QuadRemesher for other softwares which are very similar.

Quad Remesher for C4D

Download Latest Beta :
Win: https://www.dropbox.com/s/trp27hmv52sfeol/QuadRemesher_1.0.B12_C4D_Win_2019-10-30.zip?dl=0
macOS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fgf78haaylm7b27/QuadRemesher_1.0.B12_C4D_macOS_2019-10-30.zip?dl=0

1 – install informations:

2 solutions:
A – copy the « QuadRemesher » folder (found in the zip) in
« C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\Maxon Cinema 4D R21_……..\plugins\ »

B – copy the « QuadRemesher » folder (found in the zip) where you want on your disk
and add this path to C4D’s plugins search path:
Edit Menu > Preferences … > plugins > click on  [Add Folder…]
Restart C4D, you should find QuadRemesher in the « Extensions » menu.

NB: I have tested on R21 only right now.

Quad Remesher for Houdini

Download Latest Beta :
Win : https://www.dropbox.com/s/mfxzn5qtesp7sp2/QuadRemesher_1.0.B12_Houdini_Win_2019-10-31.zip?dl=0


1 – install informations:

copy the « QuadRemesher.hda » folder (found in the zip) where you want on your disk.
ex: C:\Path1\QuadRemesher.hda

open/edit : C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Documents\houdini17.5\houdini.env
add this line in the file:     HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = C:\Path1;&

Restart Houdini, you should find the QuadRemesher asset in the Asset library.

2 – Beta 11: what’s new?

  • AutoCook + CookNow system
  • new « Use Primitive Attribute » : you can use any integer primitive attribute to guide the remesher.


Quad Remesher Bridge for Blender
——– Already released! ———

1 – install informations:

You can install QuadRemesher-Bridge as any other addon.
(Preferences > Add-ons > install… > Drag and drop the zip and activate it)

Then ‘N’ will open the panel on the Right hand side of the viewport, and you should see the « QuadRemesh » vertical tab.

NB: QuadRemesher-Bridge need to install the QuadRemesher « engine » (the algorithm) first. This is done automatically.
So, the 1st time you click on << Remesh It >>, the addon will download and install the QuadRemesher « engine » automatically.

The 2nd time, you will need to activate with the license key I created for you.
You can find your license keys here : https://exoside.com/mylicenses/
….Just drag and drop the [Easy Activation] item (found in the mylicencese email) into the Activation Window.

I let you discover how the plugin works by yourself as I have not written any specific doc,tuto for Blender….
Let me know if you have any questions.

Happy remeshing!

2 – About « Use Normals Splitting »

Starting some explanation… to be continued…

Here is a blender file showing when this option is usefull:

In this case, you can see the difference between « Detect Hard Edges » and « Use Normals Splitting »

‘Use Normals Creasing = ON’ is usefull when, most edges are smooth and some edge loops are Sharp/Creased (for the normals = visually).

If you mesh looks facetted : DO NOT enable « Use Normals Splitting »

… to be continued….