If you are a reseller: you will want to buy some licenses of QuadRemesher in the name of your client, and transfer them to your client just after the purchase process.
Here is the process to follow:
– click on the [Buy …] button in this page (after having selected the Software and License)
– On Verifone webstore:
. as ‘email’ : enter your own email
. ALL other fields must be filled with your client’s informations (Company, Name….)
Once the purchase is done, you will receive an email with the purchased license keys.
– After purchase, you will have to transfer the license(s) to your client:
a – First, go on this page for this purpose: https://exoside.com/reseller/
This will update the licenses with the final client informations in our records.
b – Then, forward the email you received with the license keys to your final client.
(They will activate the product with their own email, not your own email)
We do not provide discount for resellers. You can add extra-charges to your client as long as you clearly specify the amount of the extra-charges to the final client.
If you want to get a quote or the price of one of the QuadRemesher versions:
Depending on your client request, select the appropriate values for the « Software » and « License » fields above in this page, and click on the [Buy ….] button. This will lead you to the reseller webstore, where you can see the price (with VAT details) without validating the purchase.
If you want to get an invoice after having purchased some licenses, please read the Documentation – FAQ (at « How can I get an invoice… »)